Registration Fees


(On and before Sept. 21, 2007)

(after Sept. 21, 2007)


30,000 Yen

40,000 Yen


5,000 Yen

5,000 Yen

  • Full registration fee includes tutorial materials, technical proceedings, tutorial sessions, technical sessions, banquet, three lunches and coffee breaks.
  • Student registration fee includes the same as full registration.
  • Additional banquet fee is 6,000 yen a person. An additional proceedings is 7,000 yen.

  Payment Methods

  • Bank Transfer:
    • Account Information
      • Bank: Bank of Yokohama, Musashi-Kosugi Branch, Kawasaki, Japan
                1-403, Kosugi-cho, Nakahara, Kawasaki, Kanagawa, 211-0063, JAPAN
      • TEL: +81-44-733-4381
      • Swift Address: HAMAJPJT
      • Account#: 1623522
      • Account Holder: APNOMS
    • The following information, in Japanese, is for remittance in Japan only.


    • Please email us a copy of the remittance statement to us along with this registration form (Word, PDF)
  • Credit card (NOT applicable to Japanese residents):
    • VISA, Master Card
    • Please fax us a copy of the remittance statement to us along with this registration form (Word, PDF)
  • Cash:
    • The amount depends on the application date of the registration. Please refer to ¡°Registration Fees¡± above.
    • Please email or fax us a copy of the remittance statement to us along with this registration form (Word, PDF)

  Refund Policy

    No refund for registration fee after 21 September 2007. There is a 5,000 Yen cancellation fee for full registration and student registration on or before this date. Author registration cannot be cancelled. All registration cancellations must be received in writing or via email.

  Contact Inforamtion

  • For Bank Transfer and Cash payment: E-mail:
  • For credit card payment: FAX: +81-44-988-0606 (FAX only)
  • Questions or Concerns: