Presentation Guidelines



Technical (Full paper) Session


Presentation style and time


Technical session must be presented by oral presentation. 25 minutes slot is assigned to each paper, which consists 20 min for presentation and 5 min for Q&A.



Presentation equipments


Each presentation room has an LCD projector with analog RGB input. Each presenter is required to prepare his/her own notebook for presentation. Please connect the notebook and check a visualization before the session.



Biography of presenter


Each presenter must prepare a short biography (no more than 7 lines) of himself/herself for introduction by the session chair. The biography must be submitted to the session chair before the session.



Short Paper Session


Presentation style and time


Short paper session must be presented by poster presentation. 90 minutes slot is assigned for presentation and Q&A.



Presentation panel


Each presenter can use one panel (900mm x 2100mm, see the photo below) located in Room 206/207.



Slide preparation


Presenters can prepare up to single A0 (841 x 1189mm) poster in portrait orientation, which is equivalent to 8 pages A3/landscape (420mm x 297mm) posters. If you use multiple pages, each page should not be smaller than A3 size (e.g., A4). Possible placements are shown below.



Poster setup/takedown


Short paper session presenters will have access to the panels before afternoon sessions (1pm). Please find the panel on which the title of presenter's paper is indecated at the top, and put the poster(s) within the panel. Only using pins which will be provided by OC are allowed to hang your posters (Gluing and taping are prohibited.) Posters must be taken down immediately after the short paper session has been finished.



Innovation Session


Presentation style and time


Innovation session must be presented by oral presentation. 20 minutes slot is assigned to each paper, which consists 15 min for presentation and 5 min for Q&A.



Presentation equipments


Each presentation room has an LCD projector with analog RGB input. Each presenter is required to prepare his/her own notebook for presentation. Please connect the notebook and check a visualization before the session.



Biography of presenter


Each presenter must prepare a short biography (no more than 7 lines) of himself/herself for introduction by the session chair. The biography must be submitted to the session chair before the session.




If you have any questions about the presentation, please do not hesitate to ask to TPC co-chairs.


APNOMS 2007 TPC Co-Chairs 

  • Prof. Shingo Ata Osaka City University, Japan
    Email: ata_at_
  • Prof. Choong Seon Hong Kyung Hee University, Korea