The 10th Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium
(APNOMS 2007)

Managing Next Generation Networks and Services
October 10 ~ 12, 2007, Sapporo, Japan

Innovation Session Track Deadline: July 2

Sponsored by IEICE TM, KICS KNOM
Supported by IEEE CNOM, IEEE APB, IEEE Comsoc Japan Chapter, TMF, IFIP WG6.6


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  The 10th Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium (APNOMS 2007) will be held in Sapporo, Japan from October 10 to 12, 2007. The theme of the symposium is ¡°Managing Next Generation Networks and Services.¡± Recently, various convergences in wired and wireless networks, and convergence of telecommunications and broadcastings are taking place for ubiquitous multimedia service provisioning. For example, broadband IP/MPLS wired networks are actively converged with IEEE 802.11e wireless LAN, IEEE 802.16 Wireless MAN, 3G/4G wireless cellular networks, and direct multimedia broadcast (DMB) network. For efficient support of service provisioning for ubiquitous multimedia services on the broadband convergence networks, well-designed and implemented network operations and management functions with QoS-guaranteed traffic engineering are essential.

   In APNOMS 2007, the topics of interest include, but not limited to, network & service management for broadband convergence networks, business operations & management, service-oriented managements (e.g., SLA/SLS, security, billing), management architecture and technologies, various experiences, and recent standardization activities:

1) Network Management
- Management of IP-based Networks
    - SLA/QoS Management, Traffic Engineering
    - Management of Ad-hoc/Mesh Networks
    - Management of 3G/4G Networks
    - Management of Sensor Networks
    - Management of DWDM, Optical Cross-connect
    - Home Network Management
    - Management of Wireless LANs

     - Management of Hetegogeneous Networks
    - Virtual Network Provisioning and Operation
     - Network Monitoring and Measurements

2) Architectures, Methods & Technologies
- Architectures and Models
    - Autonomic Management
    - Control Theoretic Management Approaches
    - Peer-to-Peer Management
    - Web/Java Based Management
    - Mobile Agent-based Management
     - Policy-based Management
    - Next Generation OSS Platforms
    - Converged Networking Issues

     - Mobility Management
    - SNMP, NETCONF, Web Services, XML


3) Service Management
- Security Management
    - Accounting and Billing
    - Applications and Service Provisioning
    - Seamless Service with Roaming and Handover
    - Regulatory Issues
    - Management Architecture for Ubiquitous Computing
    - Ubiquitous Service Platforms
    - Signaling for Application Sessions and Networking


4) Business Management
- ISP/ASP/CSP Management
    - Business Process Engineering
    - Customer Care and Self Operations
    - e-Business Management


5) Experiences
- Trial Results, Migration and Case Studies
    - Interoperability Issues
     - R&D Networks


Paper Submission:
Both of technical session and innovation session papers must be submitted via online, through JEMS ( Please refer to the APNOMS 2007 homepage for detailed paper preparation and submission instructions.


Technical Session:
The APNOMS 2007 proceedings of technical session papers will be published in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science series as done in APNOMS 2006. Original and unpublished technical session papers and poster session papers are solicited. All submitted papers should be written in English and should not have been submitted for review elsewhere. Authors are requested to submit PDF file of the 10-page, single-spaced LNCS-style manuscripts for technical session papers. The LNCS guidelines can be obtained at In addition, authors of the best five APNOMS 2007 papers will be invited to submit extended versions for possible publication in the special issue of Journal of Network and Systems Management (JNSM) which is indexed in SCIE of Thompson Scientific.


Innovation Session:
APNOMS 2007 will include innovation session to present and discuss ongoing research, work-in-progress ideas, practical solutions, experimental studies, and any topic of interest to the community. Innovation session will be formed with short presentations including discussions and feedbacks. Presenters are requested to submit PDF file of the 8-page visual/text format manuscripts. The sample file can be obtained at
Note: accepted submissions for innovation session will not be included in LNCS proceedings (to be included in CD-ROM proceedings only).


Please send any enquiry on APNOMS 2007 to TPC Co-Chairs:

Important Dates

Technical session

Innovation session

  Paper Submission Deadline

June 2, 2007

July 2, 2007

  Notification of acceptance

July 7, 2007

July 7, 2007

  Final camera-ready paper due

July 28, 2007

July 28, 2007